Friday was a sunny day, we had a two-mile trip on The Freedom Trail. There are twelve view points in The Freedom Trail. Profeessor Katz asked us to choose one of the view points to introduce for the rest of the class, and I chose the Copp's Hill which is the stop on the Freedom Trail. In this blog I want to introduce the Copp's Hill again and express some of my opinions.
Copp's Hill was named after a shoemaker William Copp who once owned the land. Copp's Hill is a burying ground which means funeral garden. It is the last resting place of the people who lived in the North End with different status and occupations.
It is located on a hill where was a windmill stood.The cemetery's boundaries were extended several times and it is Boston's largest colonial burying ground and the second oldest burying ground. It was founded by the town of Boston in 1695. There are thousands of graves and 272 tombs. Because of its height, the British used the hill to train artilery on Charleston during the Revolutionary War.
After finishing this trip, I know more about American, especially about Boston. It was a long-distance trip; however, it was worthwhile. I hope we could have more trips like this to help us have a better understanding about America.
good structure---focus on one place and express her own views