The trip to the J.F.K. Library
---Tim, Rad Sox
J.F.K. stands for the Mr. John F. Kennedy who was the 35th president of the United States, and serving from 1961 to 1963 till his assassination. From my perspective, President J. Kennedy is a great that are still living in citizen's heart. And after this trip to the J.F.K. Library, I think I have received a lot of information about the society of America during 1960s, especially the life of this president.
In the library, there are many exhibitions that displayed the early 1960s in the United States, and personally the exhibitions have given me a brief introduction of the society and the life of President J. Kennedy.
There are three things that attracted me the most, and from the three I have seen the history during that time.
The first exhibition is the a book, which is called The Enemy Within and had written by the brother of J.F.K. - the Robert F. Kennedy. Although I am not sure about what the really discussion about the book, I guess it might be some stories around the Kennedy brothers. I think this book might have some topic about the II World War, but also might be the Cold War, because during that time it is just 20-year later of the Second World War, and is during the cold war, so, I can give the guess based on the history. And though the video at the beginning of my trip, I knew J. Kennedy had read about the book. So, is book might be a good toy for me to enjoy during my free time.
The second exhibition I'd like to say is the Berlin Wall, and I think it is a good prove of the end of the Cold War. As the date that the Berlin Wall was broken up, Federal Germany and Republic Germany was combining as a whole, and the soviet russia finished the Cold War with America. And it is one of the most important cases that John F. Kennedy had done during his life.
The third and also the last things are some advertisements of the election of John F. Kennedy. As far as I concern, President J.Kennedy was supporting the Economic reform and the tax cutting, and t name just of few. And based on the videos, I found the competitor of him is quite weak as the competitor had even no point to compete the president. And I think it is good for me to understand this pice of history.
All in all, the trip to the J.F.K. is valuable. And I think it was just a beginning for me to understand the big person John F. Kennedy, and in the future I will do more research about the famous president.
It is harm for us to understand the culture for a very limited time. We are here to study and to learn the culture as well. And the JFK is really a great man. I agree with this point.